Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010: All These Worlds Are Yours

2009 is over, in all its ups and downs. It's the year I:

1. Turned 30 on the Green Sand Beach on the Big Island

2. Got married to the love of my life at 14,000 feet on a volcano

3. Planned and attempted the JMT

4. Climbed South Sister

5. Took a rad mountain biking vacation to Central Oregon

6. Started and stuck with Pilates, which has led to greater fitness overall

7. Enjoyed a family trip to Vancouver, BC and seriously considered becoming Canadian

8. Hiked Ape Canyon, the Timberline Trail and new spots in the Gorge

9. An old friend relocated to Portland and merged my old world with my new one.

10. Mr A changed jobs after 5 years (woo-hoo!)

On the other hand, it was also a year of regrets, confusion, loss of identity and disappointment. One of my closest friends moved away, another lost his job. I don't think I need to even mention the economy at this point, since the recession still weighs on everyone I know. I am fortunate to have kept my job, but I did take a significant hit and was lucky enough to pick up a second job.

I want 2010 to be a year of clean slates and opportunities taken. So far, it's shaping up that way. I'm excited and hopeful, and my husband shares the sentiment. We're in the process of deciding whether to move to Hawaii, like for good. It's awesome and scary, and a lot of my feelings about this year are playing into our decision to start a new phase of our lives.

So, give me about a month and hopefully I'll have some new adventures to write about. In the meanwhile, here is a photo recap of things I'm have no words to write about:

1 comment:

  1. I think we actually met at The Amtrak station in Merced in 2009. Found your blog randomly. Me and the wife were headed to Vogelsang. Too bad about your experience, but at least you tried & the trail will always be there! -Jim
