Monday, July 23, 2012

Mount Adams Summit

Great 2-day climb with local hiking group. Perfect weather, though cold with high winds near the summit. Definitely more manageable as an overnighter than when I tried to do it in one day, but my pack was less than 30 lbs and we got to camp really early, which made for a long night's sleep. Steep slopes on the approach to Piker's peak make an ice axe and crampons necessary, although I did see a couple hikers without. Half our group straight up took off, which I think was a little demoralizing in retrospect. But I got over it and barreled on to the summit. On the descent I faced the famous but surprisingly huge glissade chute, carved out like a luge run - I flew out of it and lost control twice, necessitating self-arrest. That was more than a little scary and painful. I think I have to learn to just let go, and that all my caution with my speed actually made the glissade rougher. The second big glissade down Crescent Glacier was also steep but gentle and soft, as I found out after another climber and I wasted time (and sorely lacking energy) exploring the only other option at the end of the steep headwall we'd climbed up the day before. Back at the car, I felt surprisingly good, and only slightly bummed about the wasted time above Crescent where I thought I might end up on the news. On the drive back we downed coffees and dreamed aloud about far-off places. It was a good weekend.

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