Thursday, January 1, 2015

Five Goals for 2015

I believe in visualizing my goals and for me that means writing them down and taping them to the fridge. Or the internet.

I completed my major goals for 2014, so maybe writing them down here worked. I bought a house we love, ran my second marathon, climbed a couple medium-sized mountains, and completed my dream day hike across the Enchantments. A lot of those smaller hikes on that list from last fell by the wayside, but fortunately will still be there in the years to come.

1) Running sometime again in the foreseeable future. I am currently on a running ban, which to speak the plain truth feels a hell of a lot more sensible than the cycle of injuries and depression that was leading up to ultra training. Maybe next year I'll join those hallowed ranks, but for now I signed up for the Portland Marathon in October. For now I plan to rehabilitate my injuries through cycling and stretching. Blowing out both knees again on Saddle Mountain this weekend was a big wake up call.

2) Somm certification in April. Yikes! Time to hit the flashcards again...

3) Finally take the necessary steps to transition to beverage or tasting room management. I love serving and the freedom it gives me, but I have to think about my future and the stability of a salary. The next step is management... and still somehow paying my mortgage.

4) Travel and outdoors in the summer. Ice Lakes Basin in Colorado, Tank Lakes, Glacier National Park and Banff and Shasta. I plan to keep the list a little smaller this year to allow more time for career, running and my sanity.

It's a modest list this year. I no longer know what to do without running, and interesting things are happening in my head now that there's all that free space...

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