Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ramona Falls Trail Run/Hike

Buying a car this summer has given me a lot more choice in terms of my hiking destinations. It used to be that if I was going to drop the money on a Zipcar or a rental, it had better be an epic day, with alpine views and thigh-burning elevation gain. These days, I can do a relatively flat, heavily forested hike without any guilt about "wasting" my time and money. Yes, there's still gas, and I end up paying far more in the long run to own a car, but for me the cost is worth the perception of freedom.

Now I allow myself to enjoy trails like Ramona Falls, a completely lovely loop that I've heard of a million times, but only ever planned to do it as a part of a much longer Yocum Ridge excursion. I was impressed with the scenery from the drive in on Lolo Pass awash in fall colors and mossy FR 1825, all the way to pretty falls and back. The bridge at the Sandy River is out, but a downed log makes for an easy crossing. I ran most of the trail to make it more of a challenge, so just when the hike was getting boring (I know, too much beauty) I was done.

7 miles, super easy grades, great for a trail run!

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